
Program Notes
"When the Day has Gone" is the product of me attempting a different genre, that genre being jazz. Which works perfectly for both the clarinet and trombone, seeing as that those are common instruments seen in a jazz setting. In this piece, I imagine the clarinet, not as a background instrument but as the lead singer. Singing about what happens when the work day is over. The tired and the weary get into their cars as the sun sets behind the sky scrapers; the lamp lights come on illuminating the New York City streets. Some people go home to their families, while others explore the town. Music can be heard from an underground bar, the lights from the stage are dim, but bright enough for the audience to see a beautiful young woman standing behind a microphone. She sings her heart out over the quiet conversation and cigarette smoke. She sways with the accompanying music as she sings about what happens when the work day is over.